Your contents are not covered under the buildings insurance and you should have your own insurance policy in place for this. Carpets within your premises are classed as contents therefore please ensure you include carpets within your own calculation.
As a party to the insurance contract, you may make claims directly to the insurer.
Please contact Gallagher on |
Alternatively, you may wish to contact us directly |
Out of hours alternative: 0845 300 2055
You must notify claims within 30 days of the event occurring. Better still, please let us know as soon as you are aware of an incident. Don’t forget claims may not be paid if premiums are outstanding.
When notifying a claim please supply as much of the following as possible, and also any additional relevant information and documentation which may assist the insurers in handling your claim;
A Reinstatement Cost Assessment (RCA) for building insurance purposes is a professional calculation of the cost to rebuild a property, including, demolition, professional fees and VAT.
This is carried out by a fully qualified and RICS regulated organisation, who will advise on the value that is declared to insurers to ensure claims are paid in full.
Index linking is the mechanism whereby buildings sums insured are increased each renewal to give inflation protection for the building so that providing the starting figure is accurate (obtained from an RCA), the declared value will stay true over the years and be sufficient to rebuild the property in the event of a major incident and claim.
Index-linking is not based on the general rate of inflation, it is calculated based upon the cost of items relating solely to the re-building of property.
The calculation of and setting of index-linking rates is not calculated by the insurance companies partly as it is a specialist area and kept separate and independent. Insurers may however, interpret the data with slight variation. There are several different independent organisations that provide this service, providing insurers with a choice. The most common organisation is the Building Cost Information Service (BCIS) who operate under the umbrella of the RICS and provide their figures to the Association of British Insurers (ABI).
Acts of terrorism are excluded from the buildings policy and as such a separate policy needs to be placed.
Often when people think of terrorism, they think of bombs going off in the street (often a car bomb or suicide bomber) and usually these are targeted at busy locations (such as public transport as with the 2005 attacks in London). However, there are other situations that can occur with residential risks, and it’s worth considering the below examples:
It is often a requirement of most mortgage lenders that terrorism insurance in place. The Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) guidance states that “serious consideration should be given to the taking out of terrorism insurance” to “protect the parties as far as reasonably possible from unexpected liabilities”.
Property Owners Liability provides protection in respect of claims from third parties if they suffer personal injury or property damage at the property and is included within the buildings insurance. Insurers will cover the cost of any damages and legal defence.
Yes, by setting up a standing order with your bank. Please contact us at or call us on 020 3966 2974
The insurance policy provided by HomeGround covers the building as a whole and your building owner is obligated to do so under the terms of the lease. Cover for an individual flat within a development is littered with pitfalls if there was a claim that affected multiple flats, common areas or in worse case a total loss.
However, we are committed to sourcing competitive premiums on behalf of our customers and would be happy for you to obtain alternative quotations on a ‘like for like’ basis as the current policy.
Please contact insurance@homegroundonline and we will provide the information we would expect an insurer to need when considering a quotation.
Please contact for a copy of your policy documents.
Within the policy the interest of freeholders, lessors, lessees, licensees, underlessees, assignees, mortgagees, financiers, lenders, receivers, tenants and occupiers are automatically noted under the ‘Other Interests’ clause, which should satisfy the requirements of lenders. Insurers do not issue individual endorsements or letters.